Welcome! I'm Tanya, and I founded EntityUK in Covid-19 lockdown. I found that designing and creating uplifting and self-empowering jewellery in those difficult days helped me to cope better, and helped me to get through each unpredictable day.

I found that wearing my daily positive reminders gave me hope and made me feel more positive, encouraged and inspired every day. I then sent some of my creations to family and friends, as it was a time where we couldn't see one another.


This simple act and positive gesture inspired them all and gave them hope for better days ahead. Knowing this made it all feel worthwhile to me and it led me here, to my small business, where I am deeply dedicated to inspiring, uplifting and bringing positivity to others.

Positive thinking doesn't mean that you ignore life's less pleasant situations. it just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. 

With words of positivity built into each design, I offer you the chance to create your own messages, feel-good uplifts, affirmations, and daily reminders, and add them to any piece you like. Whether it's for continued optimism and personal growth, or simply for healing and inner strength, with EntityUK you can wear your own words and feel empowered to live your best life.

I have no doubt that EntityUK will grow and expand alongside you and your personal growth and development, because I care enough to learn about and listen to what you want and need. Let's continue this journey together and create a ripple effect of positivity!